Listen if you have credit card debt, then odds are you indeed cannot afford it. But in most cases, what we can or cannot afford is about what we choose to spend our money on vs what we don’t.
I was talking to a graduate the other day (“Sonja”, see her picture above) who was telling me she was very happy she lost all the weight but that in the beginning she was “sticker-shocked” and had to crunch the numbers. She felt coaching was worth it not just for losing the weight but for gaining a foundation that will help her stay slim, eat healthy, and exercise for the rest of her life.
Then we talked about how other people people will likely go on to spend way more money for weight loss spread out in the next 10-20 years by signing up for fitness bootcamps (often $300 for a few weeks of just exercise training), buying supplements or shakes (meal replacements shakes run at $350/month), purchasing meal plans or personal training (thousands of dollars), signing up at boutique fitness studios at $199/month etc, and that is without even factoring for the tens of thousands of dollars of cost of health issues that might develop as a result of overweight or obesity.
And since I mentioned health issues, did you know that the majority of people who die from Coronavirus have underlying health issues, incl. cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and/or cancer? And that all three of them are related to obesity and a poor diet?
This is ultimately your decision.