Alcohol is one of those habits that some people have zero issues with but for some others it turns out to be difficult and very complicated to untangle from it. No, you don’t have to be an alcoholic, all you need to be is a social drinker and that can turn out to still be complicated to unravel and dissolve.
I have heard multiple times “I’d rather have a drink than a slice of pizza” and if that is you, then I’m certain alcohol is holding you back from losing weight. And we’re talking at least 1 lb a month if not more, that most people who drink socially are piling up or are not losing. Drag that over a number of years and you have 24 lb in 2 years!
This is why Alcohol made it to the Reloaded 7. And this is why I also have created this goal to address it because there are multiple societal issues, pressures, and associations that come up as you try to lose weight and invest your calories smarter than just blowing them on multiple drinks a week.
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