Q: How do I cancel?
Just email Tiffani at and she’ll take care of you within 1 business day. Our normal business hours are Monday through Friday 9 am to 5 pm PST.
Note that you won’t immediately lose access to all content – you’ll still have access to content until the end of your billing period.
If you submit your cancellation request by the 25th of the month, your cancellation will be effective the last day of this month. If you are cancelling on the 26th, or after, your cancellation will be effective the end of next month.
Q: Is it too late to cancel for this month?
If you submit your cancellation request by the 25th of the month, your cancellation will be effective the last day of this month. If you are cancelling on the 26th, or after, your cancellation will be effective the end of next month.
Q: Can I sign up again if I cancel?
Q: Once I cancel, do I still have access to the months I’ve purchased?
Fitness Reloaded is a membership (like a gym membership), you have unlimited access as long as you are a member. If you cancel, your membership is disabled at the end of the last month you paid for, and you will no longer be able to login to the membership site. When you sign up again after a year, you will no longer have access to the previous year’s content.
Q: When will my access to the site and coaching calls end?
You will have full access to the site, coaching calls, and all online materials until the end of your paid month.