Introducing Calorie Investing: Hunger or deprivation are NOT allowed at Fitness Reloaded.
Most diets give you a meal plan to follow. They restrict portions, they categorize foods as permitted or forbidden.
In Reloaded we do things differently. There’s nothing forbidden. We don’t focus on restriction. Instead we focus on addition or else said, the foods you should be eating more of.
You see the secret to losing weight, all the weight not just 5 or 10 lbs, and also keeping it off is to effectively manage your satiety.
So while I could sit here and tell you to go eat whatever you want, and that as long as you stay within your calories then you’ll be losing weight, I won’t, because if you choose to lose weight by applying calorie restriction alone then you’ll just put yourself on another diet.
Instead the secret to successful weight loss and lifelong results is to eat foods that manage your hunger and appetite. Keeping yourself satiated with few calories is the name of the game.
We call that Calorie Investing
When you do this right, you’ll say things like “all I do is eat all the time,” or "I can't believe how full I am", and still lose 1 lb a week.