
Onboarding 1/2

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  • Yay, your 14-day Free Pass is activated!

    Now let's make your starting Weight Loss Habit Plan for Weeks 1 & 2 by discovering your Reloaded Seven!

    While we target over 25 habits at Fitness Reloaded, the Reloaded Seven alone help our clients lose 20 lbs or more!

    For now, we're going to start with the "Big 3", then take a break for you to download & setup your "Habit Diary," and then continue with the "Supporting 4." Let's get started:

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  • Diets try to reduce your weight. That's like taking a painkiller for your headache without trying to address the cause.

    While the headache might get some temporary relief, it won't go away!

    That's why at Fitness Reloaded we both relieve your headache (i.e., the extra weight) and address the cause of it (i.e., the contributing habits and behaviors)!

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  • At Fitness Reloaded we actually have special training so that if you indeed are the type of person who'd feel compelled to eat even when you're no longer hungry, then you'd gradually lose the desire to overeat so that this scenario could become true (for real!) Does that resonate?
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  • Cooking is one of those habits that will assist you greatly in dropping the weight and having control over what and how much you eat. Assuming you're not traveling very often, we at Fitness Reloaded will help you make cooking a breeze, and see the pounds melt as a result.
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  • Cooking is one of those habits that will assist you greatly in dropping the weight and having control over what and how much you eat. Assuming you're not traveling very often, we at Fitness Reloaded will help you make cooking a breeze, and see the pounds melt as a result.
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  • Introducing Calorie Investing: Hunger or deprivation are NOT allowed at Fitness Reloaded.

    Most diets give you a meal plan to follow. They restrict portions, they categorize foods as permitted or forbidden.

    In Reloaded we do things differently. There’s nothing forbidden. We don’t focus on restriction. Instead we focus on addition or else said, the foods you should be eating more of. You see the secret to losing weight, all the weight not just 5 or 10 lbs, and also keeping it off is to effectively manage your satiety.

    So while I could sit here and tell you to go eat whatever you want, and that as long as you stay within your calories then you’ll be losing weight, I won’t, because if you choose to lose weight by applying calorie restriction alone then you’ll just put yourself on another diet.

    Instead the secret to successful weight loss and lifelong results is to eat foods that manage your hunger and appetite. Keeping yourself satiated with few calories is the name of the game.

    We call that Calorie Investing

    When you do this right, you’ll say things like “all I do is eat all the time,” or "I can't believe how full I am", and still lose 1 lb a week.

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  • Just like with Investment Strategy, how you want to allocate your calories depends on your profile and personal preferences. At Fitness Reloaded, you're the captain of your own ship and you have ultimate authority on what you want to do or not want to do.

    People love this because of the freedom. Like I said, no restrictions!

    My ultimate goal is for you to reach your target weight while also becoming an intuitive eater who eats when hungry, stops when full, and has an intuitive understanding of food’s nutritional value and calorie content – without the need to always track or log the meal on an app and without fear of weight regain.

    However, to get there you need to understand food and the habits that affect your eating. And to understand those you'll need to keep a habit diary while also tracking food's nutritional value. We'll discuss this as we go along.

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  • While You Need To Watch Your Calories To Lose Weight, At Fitness Reloaded We Don't Allow Losing Weight While Feeling Deprived

    However, the goal is not to simply stay within your calories. The goal is to stay within your calories WITHOUT FEELING HUNGRY!

    The easiest way to make that happen is by upping your daily fiber intake through whole foods.

    Fiber both takes up a lot of space in your stomach and slows down digestion. Both of these make you feel fuller for longer, in fewer calories!

    Remember when we were talking about Calorie Investing? Picking fiber-dense foods, like vegetables, fruits, and legumes will turn you into a very astute calorie investor!

    If you’re like the average American then you’re currently consuming around 12 g of fiber a day. The min requirement for women? 25 g. The amount of fiber the healthiest populations on the planet are eating? 50 g or more. For weight loss, we're aiming at a daily average of at least 35 g if not more.

    That said, you can’t just jump from 12 g to 50 g. You got to take this gradually. For most people this process will take a few months. But for now, let's determine your starting fiber goal:

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  • Great! Find out your average fiber grams a day and bump it just slightly. E.g., if you're usually at 30 g, try to hit 35 g twice a week. That means that for your first week or two, you'll be aiming to meet the 35 g goal, just twice a week.

    You're more than welcome to exceed the goal by eating more than 35 g and/or more than twice a week. But that will be "extra credit." For now, let's keep the goal manageable at 35 g and if it turns out you eat more than that, then we'll bump up your fiber goal next week.

    We'll discuss how to bump up your fiber through whole foods as we move on with the Quiz.

    We'll also discuss how to progress your fiber habit as you move through the Fitness Reloaded program.

  • No worries! Just set your Fiber Habit on the Habit Diary at 25 grams of fiber, twice a week. That means that for your first week or two, you'll be aiming to meet the 25 g goal, just twice a week.

    You're more than welcome to exceed the goal by eating more than 25 g and/or more than twice a week. But that will be "extra credit." For now, let's keep the goal manageable at 25 g and if it turns out you eat more than that, then we'll bump up your fiber goal next week.

    We'll discuss how to bump up your fiber through whole foods as we move on with the Quiz.

    We'll also discuss how to progress your fiber habit as you move through the Fitness Reloaded program.

    Keep in mind you can always change what you choose now later. No stress! Here's an example of how your habits should look like: Fiber at 25 g three times a week)

  • My Fiber Habit Decision

    That's just for the first week or two. You can always change that later.
  • pick a number between 20 and 50 to represent fiber grams
  • how many times a week will you do your new habit? Pick a number between 1 and 7.
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  • And Now We're About To Address The Most Important Habit Of Them All: Planning!

    The Habit: Make A Rough Outline Of What You’ll Eat The Day After
  • Most of us already know at least some of the things we’ll eat the following day. Maybe we know what we’ll have for breakfast. Maybe we know we always have an apple at 3pm. Maybe we know we’ll go out and we’ll likely have two drinks.

    With this habit you’ll be adding in on your food app the foods you already know you’re likely to eat the day after (or that same day if you do it in the morning.)

    You don't have to know every item, and you can certainly change your selections if you end up eating different things.

    Some other ways to use that habit is to create a calorie breakdown for the following day if it's a Routine B day (e.g., 600 cal until 2 pm so you have the rest of your calorie for the big dinner you're expecting) or creatively thinking how to bump your fiber intake up.

    THIS is the habit that separates winners from losers, so I cannot stress how important planning ahead is. The best part? It only takes 10 min! Sometimes less!

    You need to know what your habit will look like. I need you to know when you’ll do your planning?

    Here's an example of how this habit will look like: Goal Total: 7 || Every night after I do the dishes I’ll take my phone and log the calorie skeleton for the day after

  • Please write here when you plan to do your habit. E.g., after I wake up, after I sit down to watch TV, etc.
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  • You're done with two habits out of the "Big Three!"

    You just decided on your daily planning habit that separates winners from people who get stuck, and set a fiber goal so that you get to lose weight feeling "stuffed!"

    Let's now move on to the last habit out of the Big Three - Your Weekly (Not Daily) Calories. I'll walk you through as soon as you click the button to continue.

  • We'll get back to you as soon as possible!