Test Quiz Quiz/Short/impersonal: Personality-Based Weight Loss Δ How would you like it if you were to lose all the weight you want to lose (all 30, 40, 50 lbs or more) and then never have to worry about your size again? Never think that you need to lose some weight, pinch your belly thinking it's getting too big, get clothes based on your size and not worry if they'll be flattering, eat without feeling guilt and fear you'll regain weight? This sounds amazing but impossible. I don't think I can get there! I had never thought of that. I always assumed that even if I had some success with weight loss, I'd still struggle one way or another. Please tell me how to do that!!!PreviousNextWhat is more important to you, that you lose some of the weight really fast, or that you lose ALL the weight you need to lose and never look back? I prefer losing just some weight, as long as I get to do this really fast. I want to aim for 2 lbs a week or more. I prefer losing all the weight I need to lose. While speed is important, losing all the weight for good and never having to worry about my size ever again is like a dream to me. 1lb or 1.5 lb a week would be fine. Speed is not that important. Losing weight for good is important. I don't want to have to deal with weight regain!!PreviousNextGreat! I want to tell you your answers here are completely confidential. Let's review more specifics about your situation. May I ask, how long have you been struggling with weight loss? up to a few months one year two years or more almost all my lifePreviousNextMany folks have had experience following 30-day, 60-day, or 90-day intensive exercise programs or restrictive diets that either drop calories down to less than 1500 or ban food groups (carbs, dairy, etc.) Have you had experience with them? Yes, I've followed such programs at least once Kinda, not in the sense that the program was a short one but in the sense that I gave up following it. No, I've never tried to follow a restrictive or intense program and also I've never given up.PreviousNextWould you like to follow an overly restrictive or intense program again, or are you done with restriction and wish you could find a sustainable, balanced way to lose weight? I want to do another short-term, restrictive program to lose weight quickly. I don't care about rebound weight or building habits. I'm dreading the idea of another short-term restrictive program, but I honestly do not know of another way to lose weight! I'm SO done with restriction, then beating myself up for quitting or regaining the weight. I'm not sure what else it out there, but I know this is over for me.PreviousNextWhy is it important to you to lose weight? Why not just go ahead and accept your size and never try to lose weight again? Select all that apply. I want to be healthy and have concerns over heart health, diabetes, stroke, or osteoporosis. I want to be confident & feel good with myself. I don't want to be the person who has let herself go anymore. I want to wear some favorites that no longer fit, like a favorite shirt or my wedding ring. I want to show my kids a good example so that they also live a healthy lifestyle. I don't want my daughters to "inherit" low self esteem from me. I'm afraid I'll always be single if I don't lose weight. I want to have all day energy. I want to be able to go on a family hike, or race my kids, and no longer miss out on memories with the people who matter most. I want to be free of aches and pains, like back pain or shoulder pain. I want to be badass and maybe one day be strong and crush gym or other fitness goals (even though I may be completely sedentary right now)! I no longer want to hide behind other people in group pictures and be embarassed about myself.PreviousNextHave you already started losing weight and taking it seriously? For example, do you have a measurable weight loss goal for this week? Yes, I know exactly how much weight I want to lose this week. No, I don't have a specific weight loss goal right now.Then why are you here taking this Quiz to discover if you qualify for the Fitness Reloaded Method? I'm not happy with the program I'm following and/or I'm afraid I'll quit anyway. I'm just playing around with this quiz.PreviousNext Despite trying low carb and then intermittent fasting, at 45, I couldn't stop my waistline from expanding. With Fitness Reloaded I found a way to build the habits that fit MY lifestyle and MY personality and lost almost 40 lbs! IMPORTANT: What are the barriers that prevent you from losing weight? Select ALL that apply. Confusion over what to do Fear I will quit again and self-doubt I don't even have 10 min a day for myself Money is an issue that I cannot even spend $50 a month for myself The idea of tracking my food is off-putting I can't stand the idea of doing more cardio for weight loss I don't want to cut out foods again and not be able to eat carbs or other delicious foodsPreviousNextIf I told you that I could give a step-by-step plan that shows you exactly what to do to lose 1 lb a week, and that this plan was science-based and works with fat loss 100% of the time, and that it would also adjust weekly to match the specific needs and requirements of each week, would this address your concern? Yes, if I were to follow a plan that shows me how to lose fat consistently every week, and I actually were to lose weight consistently every week, that'd be a dream! No, I don't believe I can ever master weight loss and get to a point where I have a really good grasp on what to do to lose weight and how exactly much weight Ill be losing depending on the behaviors I'm doing, and no matter how much evidence you present, or how many people have done it before me, I would not believe you.If you don't believe you ever become good at weight loss, then if you want to be happy, you only have one choice: To truly accept your size. This way you can go on living your life in peace. If you don't want to do that, then you have to give yourself your best shot, so that you accomplish this important goal of yours. That means that accepting the possibility that yes, with proper guidance, you might be able to become good at weight loss! I will quit trying to lose weight and go on and accept my size. You're right. I'll give myself my best shot and get the help I need to fulfill my heart's desire.PreviousNextIf I told you that I could give you a plan that only takes 10 min/day, show you how to naturally like doing more and more healthy habits, and also add weekly accountability so you're never alone and have a coach or a group watching over your shoulder, and that we will not let you quit even when you have dark thoughts about how "you'll never be able to lose weight", would this address your concern or are you willing to keep letting this barrier stop you from your ideal size? Yes, I'd feel a lot more confident about my ability to stick to the plan, follow through, and finally lose the weight and never complain about my physique ever again! No, I still think I would quit, and cannot think of anything that could help me stick to any plan, no matter how easy, no matter how much support or accountability I have.If you believe there's 0% chance you could ever stick to anything and lose weight, then if you want to be happy, you only have one choice: To truly accept your size. This way you can go on living your life in peace. If you don't want to do that, then you have to give yourself your best shot, so that you accomplish this important goal of yours. That means that accepting the possibility that yes, with proper support, you might be able to become good at weight loss! I will quit trying to lose weight and go on and accept my size. You're right. I'll give myself my best shot and get the help I need to fulfill my heart's desire.PreviousNextIf I told you that I could give you a plan to lose at least 1 lb a week and that all you'd need is 10 min/day plus about 30 min a week to advance your skills that assist with weight loss, would this address your concern or is 10 min a day still something you couldn't devote to yourself? Yes, 10 min a day plus 30 min a week is doable and totally worth it if it'll help me lose all this weight! No, I really have no time for myself at all.PreviousNextIf I told you that I could give you a plan and all the resources & personal support you need to lose 1 lb a week or more and that aims for you to lose all the weight and never complain about your physique again, and that all you would need is $50 per month, would this address your concern or would you have to go into credit card debt to do it? Yes, $50 a month is nothing compared to the dream of losing all the weight and never having to worry about my size again! Not to mention all the $$$ I'd be saving from trying things that don't work or for possible medical expenses down the road. No, I really don't think I can invest $50 at this time.PreviousNextIf I told you that I could give you a plan that aims to turn you into an intuitive eater, who eats when she feels hungry and naturally stops when she's full, but that the way to become an intuitive eater would involve tracking your food - not to police your choices, but to increase knowledge about the effect that each food has on you, and that this process would take you up to 10 min/day, would this address your concern? Yes, I can put in up to 10 min a day to increase my knowledge about food and I love the idea of becoming an intuitive eater in the future, who eats based on hunger cues, and does not gain any weight, despite no longer tracking food! No, I can't see myself tracking what I eat, even if it's just for a limited amount of time, and I also have little interest in becoming an intuitive eater.PreviousNextIf I told you that I could give you a plan that does not include any cardio, and that you could lose 1 lb a week or more without having to do any exercise at all, and that if you DID want to add exercise, then I could show you a step by step way to do this so that you would enjoy it and that you'd only need to start with 5 min a day, would this address your concern? Yes, knowing I can lose weight without necessarily having to bust myself with exercise brings relief. No, I don't believe I can lose weight without putting hours doing cardio every week, and no matter what evidence you present or how many people have actually done that, I will not believe you.PreviousNextIf I told you that I could give you a plan to lose 1 lb a week or more each and every week, and using our "Calorie Investing" method you could eat anything you want including pizza, pasta, and brownies, while still consistently losing weight, would this address your concern? Yes, I'm eager to learn more about the "Calorie Investing" method so that I know how I can eat anything I want and still lose weight. No, I don't believe I can eat carbohydrates or any other foods I consider fattening, and no matter how much evidence you present, or how many people have done exactly that before me, I will not believe you.PreviousNextGreat! So one of the reasons people struggle with weight loss is that these overly restrictive programs address your weight, without addressing the underlying behaviors that affect your weight! Please select the possilbly fattening, weight-regaining habits that you may have right now: When food is in front of me, I'm compelled to eat, even when I'm not hungry When I have yummy food in the fridge or pantry, it's very difficult not to eat it, even when I'm not hungry. I rarely eat beans, lentils, or chickpeas. I rarely eat 1 lb of vegetables a day. I usually eat less than 2 fruit servings a day. I don't like exercise. I think cooking is a chore. I don't think I can stick to anything I have an all-or-nothing mindset. I find it hard to say "no" when others offer food or drinks to me I have more than 6 glasses of alcohol a week I often indulge in mindless eating, like eating in front of the TV or just munching when I'm cooking, etc.PreviousNextI see that you selected: "". Do you agree that if you were to turn those habits around that weight loss would become A LOT easier and maybe even INEVITABLE? Yes, I can see how trying to lose weight without also turning those habits around keeps me stuck and unable to make good weight loss progress. No, I don't think changing my habits would assist with weight loss at all.PreviousNext Your Invitation to Gain Weight Loss Freedom: Lose Weight and not have to worry about your size again! You may or may not know me, but my best-selling book "Surprisingly...Unstuck: The Power of Small Healthy Habits In A World Addicted To Instant Results" has been read by over 60,000 people, and ever since I wrote it back in 2012, it has been my life's mission to help women over 35 end the life-long struggle with weight loss! Do you want to lose weight or do you want to gain Weight Loss Freedom? When most people think about losing weight, they think about changing their eating and/or exercise for a specific period of time in order to get the desired results. They don't think they can actually BECOME different and CHANGE from within. This is the difference between: Exercising to burn calories vs exercising because you crave it Eating 1 lb of vegetables a day because that's how you eat VS eating a lot of vegetables because you're following a 30-day meal plan Relying on willpower to not keep on eating at a dinner party when you're no longer hungry VS not having the desire to overeat in the first place I created the Fitness Reloaded Weight Loss Habits Academy to show you how to lose weight by changing any habit, no matter for how long you've had it! Yes, I can show you how to change all the habits you noted before () as habits that stop you from losing weight.Before I continue what is an email address I can use to send you an invite to learn more about the Weight Loss Habits Academy and how it help you get to Weight Loss Freedom? I'll also send you a copy of your responses.My name is Maria Brilaki! Nice to meet you! What is your name?I'm sorry, it looks like our programs at Fitness Reloaded cannot help you. However, we offer our best weight loss advice for free on social media. Please follow us on Instagram for regular content. Previous