
10 Best Exercises for Lean Legs and Butt for Lazy People

10 best exercises for lean legs and butt

Welcome to the third and final post of The Lazy Exerciser Series! Today we’ll be covering the 12 best exercises for lean legs and butt, yes, even if you’re lazy. Previously, we covered arms and back, and abs.

All exercises are derived from Exercise Bliss, the one and only exercise program that turns lazy exercisers to those people who “just do it” daily, and feel as if something is missing if they ever skip their daily ritual!

So what’s special about today’s exercises?

  • They are effective. They take little time, but they deeply work your muscles.
  • I included a special “lazy suite” for the truly lazy ones, or for your most lazy days. You can just lie on the floor, and do them while watching TV. That’s how easy exercise can be.
  • I also included more advanced variations for the more experienced exercisers. Devote 5 minutes to do 3 sets of just one of those exercises, and your leg workout can be considered complete. That’s how effective they are.

So let’s get started.

Best Exercises For Lean Legs and Butt #1: Lunges

best exercises for lean legs: lunges
With one leg to the front, bent your knees and go down, until your knee is right above the floor (or until you reach your level of comfort).

Why lunges?

Lunges are a leg classic for a good reason. They work literally every muscle of your legs. They leave nothing out: calves, quads, biceps, inner thighs, outer thighs, gluts, everything works to help you do the movement.

Plus, they can work for any fitness level. The lower you get, the harder the exercise becomes. If you’re just starting out, you don’t need to go all the way down. Do what’s comfortable for you.

Attention: Your front knee should no go in front of your toes. If it does, then you’ll be stressing your knee joint too much and you risk injury. Form comes first.

Now here are a couple of variations:

1. Reverse lunges

Do it differently. Instead of stepping towards the front, step towards the back.

Reverse Lunges
Make sure there’s space behind you, and…
Reverse Lunges
Step back!

2. Jumping Lunges (advanced)

Now that’s one of those advanced exercises that will transform your body. Not only does it require your whole leg to work, but it’s also great cardio. Believe me, your heart rate will go faster.

This is an amazing exercise to be included in every High Intensity Interval Training workout – the type of workouts that give you an hour’s results in just 16 minutes.

jumping lunges, one of the best exercises for legs
Take the lunge position. Then JUMP!
Jumping lunges
Land with opposite leg to the front. Then JUMP and repeat!

Best Exercises for Lean Legs and Butt #2: The Lazy Suite

The bridge: Best exercises for lean legs and butt
It can’t get lazier than that. Yet your butt is working hard to keep you up!

Oh, how much I love the lazy suite.

You see, I’m now used to exercise. I exercise 5 times a week, or more. However, there are some days that are truly lazy days. On the one hand I’m naturally inclined to do my workout, just because this is what I do, on the other hand, I’m lazy, or tired.

So what do I do? 20 min of the lazy suite! It can’t get better than that!

I just unroll my yoga mat on the floor, put on my favorite TV show, lie down as comfortably as I can, and do it.

So let’s see some variations…

1. The Bridge with your weight on your toes.

I first introduced the bridge in the world’s laziest workout. And for a good reason. Your legs are working, while you still get to lie down and “rest”.

the bridge
Lie down, with your knees bent, and your weight on your toes.
The bridge, my favorite lazy exercise
Now lift yourself up! Work this butt. Then, go back down and repeat.

2. The Bridge open and close

Bridge variation
Lift your body up and keep it there. Your legs are closed with your knees almost touching each other.
The Bridge
Keep your feet together, but open your knees. Then close, open, close, open.

3. Circles

This pilates-based exercise is pure gold. Perfect for watching your favorite TV show!

Lie comfortably on your side. Keep your lower leg bent for balance. Lift your upper leg up and start drawing circles in the air. Repeat 8x and then change direction.

4. Clams

I first featured this exercise as one of the go-to ones to prevent osteoporosis. It’ll make your hips extra strong. Your love handles might also start diminishing. Attention: Your thighs will burn!

The Clams
Lie comfortably on the floor, with knees and feet together. Lift your feet up while your knees touch the ground.
The clams
Now open your upper leg up, then close back down. Open, close, open, close…

Best Exercises For Lean Legs and Butt #3: Squats

Regular squats
Legs and feet hip-width apart, bring your seat down. Imagine you’re trying to sit on a chair behind you.

No “best exercises for lean legs” post would be complete without squats.

They don’t leave any muscle of your legs or butt untouched. Everything has to work!

Plus, you can do them in any way you like:

  • Keep your arms to the front, or rest them on your sides.
  • Do it with legs and feet hip-width apart, or slightly open your legs wider with you feet looking outwards to target your inner thighs a bit more.
  • Lower your seat as much as your fitness level permits. You can do squat even if you’re a complete beginner!

However,  there’s one thing you must take care of: Just like I explained in the lunger, your knees should not go in front of your toes.

And now that you know how to squat, let’s see an advanced variation.

1. Snowboarder’s Jump

Oh my! If you’re looking for some good home cardio, then you got with this one. The snowboarder’s jump will give your legs explosive power,  make your heartbeat go fast, and burn lots of calories – even with just a few sets.

Your body will keep burning those calories, long after you stop exercising. Yup, that’s how powerful this exercise is.

Snowboarder's Jump
With legs hip-width apart and back straight, lower your seat down and touch the floor with one arm.
Snowboarder's Squat
Now JUMP 180 degrees!
Snowboarder's jump
Aaand land on the other side. Then Jump again and repeat!

Perfect! You just read all 10 best exercises for lean legs and butt! And now, you must decide: Which one will you do?

You can pick 2-3 of them and create a great lazy leg workout routine, or you can pick just one and do it daily! Seriously, you don’t need to do much. You only need to be consistent. Once you build consistency, you can then focus on doing more.

That’s exactly the principle behind Exercise Bliss, and that’s why the program works so well. So you ready? Pick an exercise, decide when & where (or what TV series), and you’re all set!

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