9 Burpees Exercise Variations: Work Your Whole Body With One Move!

Introducing the Burpees Exercise…
This is the one exercise that in my book, Flat Belly Firm Butt, got its own chapter.
(Yup, along with the Flat Belly Firm Butt 12-week HIIT program I’ve released a book. And in case you missed it, the workout program is on 30% sale till Monday. Use code FALL30OFF_INFULL on checkout at http://flatbellyfirmbutt.com/sign-up/)
Just like there’s a chapter for abs, legs, upper body, cool down, etc, there’s also a chapter for burpees. I’ve named it Queen Burpees.
Why Queen Burpees?
Because the burpees exercise works literally everything:
- Your abs
- Your glutes and legs
- Your arms
- Your back and chest
- Your shoulders
The burpees exercise benefits are not just limited to strength-training pretty much every muscle of your body, but also they improve your power ability (there’s jumpting involved) and your cardiovascular fitness (your heart rate WILL go up.)
So without further ado, let’s “jump” into showing the burpees exercise and its different variations.
Let me walk you through all 9 burpees exercise variations:
And I’ve also taken the the bulk of the Burpees Chapter out of the Flat Belly Firm Butt book and posted here to give you a visual guide:
Burpees Exercise Variation #1: Jumping Burpees
Start in a standing position with your back straight and your arms straight up in the air.
Squat down, touching the floor with your hands. Put your weight on your hands as you jump back into a regular plank.
As you go into the plank, do not let your hips sag down or be raised up. Now jump forward, bringing your feet just before your palms, and then jump up as high as you can, extending your arms up in the air.
Burpees Exercise Variation #2 & #3: Soldier Plank (& modified burpee)
Many people find it difficult to jump to the back. If this is you, then opt for the soldier plank instead of the jumping burpees.
Start in a standing position with your back straight and your arms straight up in the air. Now squat down, touching the floor with your hands.
Put your weight on your hands as you step back one leg at a time into a regular plank. Then step forward, bringing both feet behind your palms, and jump up. Land softly and repeat.
The secret of this exercise is to develop speed, and step both back and forward fast—just like an agile soldier would.
You can further modify by skipping the “jump up” in position Nr. 5 (see image). So you’rein a plank position, step forward, and then get up with your arms up!
Burpees Exercise Variation #4: Full Jumping Burpees
Now that’s a burpee with a push-up. Start in a standing position with your back straight and your arms straight up in the air. Now squat down, touching the floor with your hands.
Put your weight on your hands as you jump back into a regular plank. Perform a push-up.
Jump forward, bringing your feet just before your palms, and then jump up high in the air with your arms extended above your head. Land softly and repeat.
Burpees Exercise Variation #5: Shoulder Burpees
Start off in a standing position with your arms extended above your head. Jump back into the plank. Then use your shoulder blades to lift your upper body up one inch.
If this is hard to picture, then imagine that you’re pushing against the floor, lifting your upper back up. Don’t move your hips. All the motion comes from your shoulders. Then release and return to the plank position.
Jump forward and finish by either jumping up, or if you want to have it easier, standing back up, with your arms straight up in the air.
Burpees Exercise Variation #6: Burpees with Mountain Climbers
In the “full” variation we added a push-up. In this one, we’ll be adding mountain climbers right after you get into a plank.
Start off with a standing position with your arms extended above your head. Jump back into the plank. Then perform two mountain climbers by bringing each knee to your chest twice.
Then jump forward and finish by either jumping up, or if you want to make it easier, standing back up.
Burpees Exercise Variation #7: Burpees with Ski Abs
Now combine the burpee with the “Ski Abs”.
Start off in a standing position with your arms extended above your head. Jump back into the plank. Then jump and bring both feet forward and to your right. Jump again and bring your feet back to the plank position. Then jump once more and bring your feet forward and to the left.
Bring your feet back to plank position. Finish by jumping forward, bringing your feet just behind your hands, and then either jumping or standing back up, with your arms straight up in the air.
Burpees Exercise Variation #8: Burpees Open & Close
Now combine the Burpee with the “Plank Open & Close”.
Start off in a standing position with your arms extended above your head. Jump back into the plank. Then jump and bring both feet forward and to your right. Jump again and bring your feet back to the plank position.
Then jump and open your legs more than hip width apart. Quickly jump again and bring your feet together. Jump again one more time, opening your legs. Then jump again and get into the plank position.
Finish by jumping forward, bringing your feet just behind your hands, and then either jumping or standing back up, with your arms straight up in the air.
Burpees Exercise Variation #9: Burpees with Plank In & Out + Open & Close
Get into the flow with this sequence. Combine the burpees with the “Plank In & Out” and “Open & Close”.
Start off in a standing position. Jump back into the plank. Then jump forward, bringing your palms just behind your palms. Jump back to the plank, and jump forward one more time.
Then jump and open your legs more than hip width apart. Quickly jump again and bring your feet together. Jump again one more time, opening your legs. Then jump again and get into the plank position.
Finish by jumping forward, bringing your feet just behind your hands, and then either jumping or standing back up, with your arms straight up in the air.
And now that we’ve covered them all…
Which variation is your favorite? Leave a comment below!
Coming up next week: A HIIT Cardio workout to do at home without equipment based on…you guessed it, burpees. We’re going to do it in typical Flat Belly Firm Butt style, with a timer and all. Sign up below to stay tuned!
Also you may want to check out the proper squat form and the neutral spine videos – these will give a fundamental understanding of how to exercise safely at home.
Finally, here’s how often you should exercise according to science and 12 reasons why exercise is important – even if you never lose weight!
Ok, enough said, see you next week!