
My 3 Favorite Healthy Snacks Under 200 Calories

My favorite snacks: All healthy snacks under 200 Calories!
This is my favorite yogurt! Siggi’s, one of the three options featured today in my favorite healthy snacks under 200 Calories!

Welcome to one more episode of the Smart, Lazy, Dieters series. Today I’m gonna do something very different than what I normally do. I’m gonna tell you my 3 absolutely favorite healthy snacks under 200 calories.

Now, I don’t usually like to give people specific dietary guidelines. Why? Because I hate all the diet confusion that surrounds food. Since scientists haven’t come to a firm agreement on what we should eat yet, nobody really knows for sure what healthy eating is. That’s how you get hot opposing topics, like vegetarianism or paleo?

At the end of the day, each one of us have to make our own decisions about what to put in their bodies. Here are my own guiding principles:

  • I believe in eating everything this world has to offer: meat, dairy, pasta, veggies, fruits, nuts, fish, etc. I don’t exclude any food groups. I believe in abundance.
  • I believe that most foods are fine if you eat them at the right amount. So a little bit of junk food is ok. Too much Vitamin C can be poisonous. Fat and sugar are ok as long as you’re eating the right amounts of them.
  • I judge what is “right” by the way I feel. So if I eat too much pasta, then my stomach feels heavy and I know I went overboard. If I finish my meal and still feel hungry, then I know that I need more fuel. If I eat a specific food and then feel bloated, then I know something went wrong.
  • I respect what my body is telling me. I don’t skip meals leaving my body starving. I eat when I’m hungry not “just because it’s time”.
  • I don’t bring other issues into food. For example, many people stop eating meat to make a statement about how animals are treated. I respect that. But for the time being, I’m keeping food in the “satisfaction/refueling zone” only.

A while ago I showed you the recipe that got me into cooking at home. And today, I’ll share with you my 3 favorite snacks. All healthy snacks under 200 calories! They literally need no or 5 min of preparation max. All perfect options for lazy people who still want to eat healthy.

Because truly lazy people, want to get the max results for the minimum effort. And that’s why in order to be able to be truly lazy, then you got to be smart too. Enjoy!

 In how to lose 5 pounds without dieting I talked about how I focus on eating a little more on protein  or healthy fat when I consciously want to shed a few pounds. Today’s options will help you do just that! In the video, I also promise to show you my favorite smoothie recipe. Stay tuned, it’ll come up in detail next time.

And yes, I’m not affiliated with any of the brands shown in the video. I don’t get paid to show you their products. It’s just that I’m a raving fan.

So now, I want to hear from you: What are your favorite healthy snacks? Leave a comment on Facebook and let me know. I read every response.

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