Meet Helen: This Bride-To-Be Got Sexier Curves For Her Wedding With This Workout Plan!

Helen: “On my wedding day, I’m gonna feel really good about myself.”
This bride-to-be and Flat Belly Firm Butt grad got sexier curves with this 16-min wedding workout plan, even though she was commuting for 3 hours a day.
At a glance

The Problem: Not maintaining a workout routine while the wedding was coming up.
“When I started I spent three hours a day commuting, my days were long and I always got home exhausted. I couldn’t maintain any regular exercise.”
The Solution: A (wedding) workout plan that’s only 16 minutes!
“With Flat Belly Firm Butt in 16 Minutes (FB16), it was harder not to do 16 minutes than to actually do it! I felt like I needed a really good excuse not to find 16 minutes in my day.”
Her RESULTS: Smaller waist + Massive Fitness Improvement!
“My waist shrunk in the first half of the program and my curves looked better than they had for quite a while! As well as that everything else just generally toned up. My fitness improved massively. By the end of it I doubled the number of reps I could do on some of the fit tests. The most important thing by far was getting into an exercise routine.”+
The backdrop
She didn’t want to feel self-conscious on her wedding day.
What bride doesn’t want to feel amazing on her wedding day, right? Once Helen started Flat Belly Firm Butt in 16 Minutes (FB16), she developed greater self-confidence, sexier curves, more energy, and overall happiness. After just 5 months into the program, she said “I’m going to be confident on my wedding day!”
She was exhausted after her 3-hour commute each day.
Helen would wake up very early in the morning for work, and come home tired at the end of the day. She admits that she couldn’t be bothered to work out – especially if she had plans after work. FB16 was something she could finally keep up with!
Her results
“You wouldn’t believe the difference from doing so little exercise!”
In prior attempts to set an exercise routine, Helen often spent an hour at the gym each night to get the results she wanted. FB16 actually gave her better results in a fraction of the time.
“You wouldn’t believe the difference from doing so little exercise! It’s like you think you need to do hours at the gym, you really really don’t. You can really get results from just doing those 16 minutes. If you are struggling to exercise or find the time and you want to find the results, do this and it will get you on the right track and keep you going.”
She improved her fitness levels massively.
Helen was thrilled that her waist shrunk and her curves looked better than they had in quite awhile. Beyond that, is her improvement in fitness.
“My fitness improved massively. By the end of it, I doubled the number of reps I could do on some of the fit tests.”
A while after she got started with FB16, Helen went back to running as well!
With FB16, Helen finally found a routine she could keep up with. She says it’s actually harder NOT to do the 16 minute workout because it’s so easy to fit in. She continues to build her exercise routine well beyond FB16 workouts. Yes, you read that right – she does more than just the 16 minutes a day! She adds runs into her workout now, which is something she has wanted to do for a long time!
“If I get in from work and I have nothing else planned for the evening, I make the time to go running. It’s getting into the habit of saying, it’s only a few minutes you can do it.”
How she succeeded
5 reasons Flat Belly Firm Butt can act as a results-oriented wedding workout plan – and beyond!
The wedding was coming up in a couple of months so Helen signed up for FB16 just in time to feel even more confident on her wedding day. Her time crunch and long commute at the beginning of her journey was a true test to of FB16: Could it really fit an hour-long workout in just 16 minutes? Could it also act as an amazing wedding workout plan? The answers and yes, and yes! Here’s why she succeeded.
1. Flat Belly Firm Butt made regular exercise excuseproof.
Whether you don’t have time, lack motivation, get bored easily, or can’t find a class at the right time, FB16 is the answer to all of that and more. Helen loves how much the workout changes and keeps going. She thinks the way it’s set up is fun – and listening to Maria talk is fun.
Helen needed a really good excuse not to find 16 minutes in her day. She recalls one crazy week where she didn’t manage to get her workouts in. Most people would brush it off. Helen decided to make it up with 4 sessions the following week! That’s a huge result for someone who couldn’t manage a routine at the beginning of her journey!
“I’d recommend FB16 to anyone who wants to get into an exercise routine and improve fitness. It’s got everything you need to keep you motivated and interested, including plenty of support from Maria and others in the group!”
2. With Flat Belly Firm Butt, Helen could exercise anytime, anywhere!
Helen loved the fact that she could do her workouts on her own time, and not according to anyone else’s schedule.
“Every week I seem to do different things on different evenings, so I could choose which days and times suited me each week.”
Even when she’d come home exhausted, she’d manage to fit her 16 minute workout in – regardless of the time.
“To come home and pop on, do 16 minutes, have a shower and then have dinner, that was great. It made it doable.”
3. Helen didn’t just get to work on a “trouble-spot” or two – she toned her whole body.
Many people obsess over a spot on their bodies and neglect the rest – that’s not what’s going to happen with FB16. Whether you’re a bride who wants both a smaller waist and toned arms or a working professional who is just looking to follow one workout plan and get to work the whole body, with FB16 you’re in good hands.
“It wasn’t about just focusing one bit or another bit. You sometimes go to classes and it’s about legs, bums, and tums. This was about total body fitness and total body toning. I felt like I was working it all out and improving all over.”
4. The Flat Belly Firm Butt private group offered great camaraderie.
Remember those days when Helen would spend hours at the gym? She would workout alongside other people in classes, and never really had the opportunity to get to know them.
FB16 gave her a community of people on Facebook to cheer her on, and vice-versa. She loved seeing the progress and pride of the other people when they were doing well. Helen loved sharing the highs and lows with the support group. She says it feels like you’re doing the program with other people.
“You share the tough times and the successes. It’s really supportive and keeps you going when you are shattered.”
5. Just like a wedding is the first day of your marriage, FB16 was only the beginning of better habits.
Helen actually found FB16 because she read my best-selling book “Surprisingly…Unstuck: The Power of Small Healthy Habits, in a World of Instant Results.”
Because of the book, and reading the Fitness Reloaded blog, she had no hesitations at all about starting FB16.
“As soon as I saw FB16, I knew it was what I needed to put everything Maria talked about into practice!” She notes that building the habit of only doing 16 minutes a day of exercise actually made it hard for her NOT to do her workout.
Additionally, Helen credits the habits she created for getting her back into running – something she once thought was impossible. This all happened because she applied her healthy habits to her everyday life, which will benefit Helen well beyond her wedding day.
Are you searching for the best wedding workout plan? Do you want to improve your fitness in a fraction of the time you’d spend at the gym?
Sign up below and see for yourself how FB16 can help you get fit for your special day!