
5 Uncommon Wellness Habits For The New Year

wellness habits

So you want wellness habits to make your 2013 even better than 2012…BUT you are looking for new, maybe even uncommon, wellness habit ideas. We all know about wellness habits like eating right and exercising more, but what about something different?

You are in the right place. I did a small survey to uncover wellness habits that are different than diet and exercise. Did I find any? You bet I did!

Wellness habits to get you inspired for the new year

1. Switching an energy drink…with a green smoothie.

Sterling Morris says:

“I have learned that vegetables contain some the of highest quantities of phytonutrients, vitamines, minerals, and nutrion of any food source.

I decided to switch out my daily energy drink consumption by making and consuming one green smoothie everyday this year as a supplement to my exercise program, and attempt at living a healthy lifestyle.

I have much, much more energy than I ever had consuming 300+ MGs of caffeine, and I’ve only been doing this for about two weeks.”

2. Taking care of YOU…without feeling guilty about it.

Jennifer says:

“I have begun 2013 by declaring it the year that I will take care of me. I will take the time that I deserve to show myself that I am important and deserve to be cared for and loved. Examples include sea salt baths, giving myself time for enough sleep, even a spa day.

Moms especially need to learn to take time for themselves without feeling guilty about it or making self care another chore.”

3. Looking amazing to conquer the world!

Anna says:

“When I was working at home, I used to go days without seeing a human. I sat around in my sweats all day, didn’t brush my hair or put on makeup, and didn’t bother very with my looks unless I was going out somewhere (every couple of weeks).

At the end of last year I got a job with an agency and suddenly found myself in an office situation every day. It’s a very relaxed work environment, but it made me take a look at my outward appearance and how it might be impacting my career in some ways.

Beauty is inside and out, taking the time to relax and not think about work even if it’s only a few minutes a day. By taking the time to get ready and put on my best possible exterior “armor” (clothes, makeup, hair, genuine smile over a life I love) for work each day, I’m going to be much more confident and poised – and I’ve already decided that this year is my year to conquer the world, so I’m going to need that extra bit of help :-)”

4. Doing stuff you feel like doing rather than forcing yourself.

Stacy Garay says:

“I am resolving to be more present. Like turning my phone off, only doing/working on things when I feel right doing so. I noticed when I try to “force myself” I always wind up with either substandard results or it takes me so much longer than it should.”

wellness habits
Wellness + champagne. Can they go together? Yes, because wellness is not just food, exercise, and sleep, It’s also social. Champagne (in moderation) sounds like a good excuse?!

5. Be in celebrating mode more…by drinking champagne more often!

Julie says:

“I resolved to drink more champagne this year because i learned counter-intuitive resolutions work really well. Drinking more champagne means I will:

  1. need to find more reasons to celebrate
  2. celebrating means spending more time with friends and family
  3. it needs nice surroundings
  4. I need to be able to toast my health so I need to maintain my health
  5. and finally rather than stressing about denying myself the things I enjoy or doing more of things I don’t enjoy, I will be pressuring myself to indulge. Plus, champagne in moderation is good for your heart.”

New Year’s Healthy Habits Giveaway Winners

I’ll admit it – I had a hard time choosing the winners. There were many entries that I really liked…alas I only had 3 spots, not 20! So here you go. Below are the three winners along with their answers to the question:

“What New Year’s Habits do you want to tackle?”

1st Place – Diane (wins a FitDesk, access to the healthy habits course, and one month of Exercise Bliss)

“More exercise! Eat right! I need to lose the weight that I gained when I quit smoking and well, the menopause thing doesn’t help either.

Once we change the clocks again and it’s light outside longer, I plan to go back to waking after work every day as a start. Also, I’ve cut out drinking soda and now only have pizza once a month. It’s a start!”

2nd Place – Summer Plewes (Wins access to the healthy habits course and one month of Exercise Bliss)

“Actually, exercise is my new years choice – I refuse to call it a resolution because they fail. AND although I hate my weight, it is not for my weight, I have chosen to do this for my mind. It helps with my depression and other things. So I have chosen to do it for my head, instead of my waist “

3d Place – Becky (wins one month of Exercise Bliss)

“I want to further a creative and active lifestyle full of health and wellness with my husband and children. I am hoping that leading by example will instill the best healthy lifestyle values in my children. It has always been a struggle but I try to do it every day.”

Congratulations to the winners and many thanks to everyone who participated.

Regardless of whether you won or not, what is truly going to make a difference in your life is whether you follow through with your wellness resolutions or not.

Make it a habit and your life will change!

Photo credit:  ganesha.isis

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