Tag: posture
Bird Dog Exercise: 10 Variations From Beginner to Advanced. (video & images)
Best Hip Flexor Stretch for Anterior Pelvic Tilt, Kyphosis, and Lordosis
So you know your posture is kinda slouchy. Maybe you’ve confirmed this with the kyphosis or lordosis test, or you spoke to your doctor. Maybe…
A Straight Posture Makes You Instantly Look Thinner
Here at Fitness Reloaded we like efficiency and effectiveness. Why devote 1 hour to the gym when you can get the same results in 16…
Home Lordosis Assessment: Is Your Back Straight?
Welcome to the Straight Posture Series! If you have low back pain, then make sure you check this out, because in here you might find…
Introducing the Straight Posture Series. Learn If Your Back Is Really Straight Now.
If the yogis say that a person’s age is determined by the flexibility of his/her spine, then I’m in trouble! I’ve been slouching and sitting too much for all my life.…
Episode 89 – Is your back straight? A simple technique to check whether you have kyphosis or not.
A few weeks ago I would have responded to this question with a big YES! But then I learned this simple kyphosis check, and to…
Stiff Back? A Simple Technique For Back Pain Relief In Under 5 Minutes.
The 7 Best Posture and Kyphosis Exercises for People Who Sit All Day.
Are you accidentally ruining your posture by exercising?
I recently had a conversation with a friend. She was asking for some exercise tips in order to make her body appear more proportional: She…