Meet Vicky: From Skinny Fat To Fit When Working 12-Hour Days & Hate Exercise.

Vicky: “I look forward to working out”
This skinny fat PhD hated exercise, and was too exhausted after 12-hour workdays to even think about working out. Here’s how she went from skinny fat to fit with Flat Belly Firm Butt.
At a glance

The Problem: She considered herself skinny fat and hated exercise.
“I’ve always been skinny in my life but I was never toned, I never had abs,” she says. “I was quite flabby, although skinny.”
The Solution: Just right workouts.
“I like the duration and the type of exercises which are very fun. It’s the variety (you don’t get bored) and the intensity (when you get tired it’s already time for the next one).”
Her RESULTS: New Curves + A New Interest in Fitness
“I feel much more energized (which is also very surprising for me) and I have started doing more outdoors stuff like paddleboarding and climbing. And I finally can also say that I LOVE working out! :)”+
The backdrop
She never struggled with her weight but identified as “skinny fat.”
Vicky has never struggled with her weight, but she considered herself flabby. To make matters worse, she never liked exercise. Once she found Flat Belly Firm Butt in 16 Minutes, a HIIT online
workout program, that all changed.
She’d tried yoga and barre classes but would quit 30 days later.
This time-crunched professional finally turned to FB16 because she only had to dedicate 16 minutes a day, on her schedule, and in her own home. Prior to FB16, she would sign up for yoga or barre classes, and quit less than 30 days later. Her demanding schedule made it even harder for this former exercise-hater to stick to a routine.
Working 12-hour days, she began to suffer from poor posture and pinched nerves.
Working 12-hour days and hating exercise eventually took its toll on Vicky’s body and energy. She began to suffer from poor posture, pinched nerves, and fatigue. As she said: “I was too young to feel like an old grandma.”
The results
From skinny fat to fit: “I was quite flabby, whereas now I’m very toned!”
Vicky’s new-found love for exercise has changed her life. She went from hating exercise and avoiding even simple things like walking, to waking up earlier in the morning to exercise before work.
I can finally say that I have worked out for 3 consecutive months, which is a first for me! And I finally can also say that I LOVE working out! It makes me happy to work out, it gives me so much energy.
From exercise hater to daily exerciser.
FB16 changed Vicky’s perspective on exercise – and it transformed her lifestyle.
I have much more energy! I didn’t really have a weight problem, I was skinny, but I was never toned. I never had abs or anything. On the contrary, I was quite flabby, whereas now I’m very toned! I’m very satisfied with the program I can finally say that I have worked out for 3 consecutive months!.
Once hooked to FB16, Vicky also started doing physical activities in the weekends!
Prior to FB16, she was never excited when friends would invite her to go hiking. She never initiated the idea. “Now, I love it!” FB16 has extended her love for physical activity to trying new outdoor adventures, such as paddleboarding and climbing. Additionally, she now opts to ride her bike to school. She traded her 30-minute bus route for a 20-minute bike ride (10-15 minutes of the ride includes hills!).
How she succeeded
4 reasons Vicky went from skinny fat to fit even though she was overworked and started out hating exercise.
Vicky was both overworked and hated exercise. Even though deep inside she’d like to be like the people who exercise daily, she was apprehensive. When all other exercise programs had not worked for her, why would Flat Belly Firm Butt work?
But there are strategic changes in FB16 that helped start to like exercise, fit it in her schedule, and eventually stick to it for more than 3 months! Here’s what made a difference:
1. With every workout being only 16 minutes, FB16 is perfect even for people who work 12-hour days.
Gone are the hour-long workouts. At only 16 minutes, FB16 is excuse-proof. When Vicky began, she said “I like how you try to make exercise easier and make it a habit for you.”
2. Even though FB16 is only 16 minutes, you’ll feel it.
This is not your usual time-wasting workout where you do tons of reps of the same ineffective exercises. FB16 is designed to give you an hour’s results in 16 minutes, not just because it’s High Intensity Interval Training, but also because only the most effective were handpicked to be included in the program.
The result? You’ll feel it. “It’s only 16 minutes and afterwards I have sweated so much!”
3. Even though it’s intense, it’s not going to make you feel like throwing up or anything.
Some intense workouts are so intense they are exhausting and make people feel like throwing up. FB16 is not one of them. With most exercises lasting 30 sec, there’s enough time for you to feel the burn but not enough time for you to fall on the floor exhausted.
“I like the duration and the type of exercises which are very fun. It’s the variety (you don’t get bored) and the intensity (when you get tired it’s already time for the next one).”
4. FB16 is big on variety so that exercise is no longer boring but fun!
“There’s so much variety, you don’t get bored!” We hear this from Karen and from pretty much every other FB16 participant. Expect to switch exercises usually around every 30 seconds. No yawning, or “when is this going to end?” with FB16.
Do you consider yourself skinny fat? If yes, and if you’d rather be skinny fit instead, what are you doing to reverse the situation? Leave a comment below and let us know!
And if you want to do what Vicky did, sign up below to see for yourself how FB16 works.