Meet Jessica: Exercising But Not Seeing Results? How This Busy Engineer Broke The Cycle.

Jessica: “FB16 really worked me in those 16 minutes!”
Exercising but not seeing results? This busy engineer and Flat Belly Firm Butt in 16 Minutes (FB16) grad saw real change in her body and her waist, after years of going to the gym but not really seeing her body changing.
At a glance

The Problem: Exercising but not seeing results.
Jessica was going to the gym but her body was staying the same. Sure she knew she was getting better as she was lifting more, but her body was not reflecting it.
The Solution: Results-focused exercise.
“Once you say ‘Maria’s gonna tell me what to do,’ and you do it, you’re gonna change your body.”
Her RESULTS: Her body was finally changing.
“I really have noticed my arm muscles being more toned and feeling stronger. It’s easier for me to drag a heavy suitcase up three flights of stairs. I also have noticed my waist feeling smaller.”+
The backdrop
Jessica was regularly lifting weights but not seeing changes to her body.
She explains that she lifted weights, and continually increased the amount of weight she was lifting. She felt herself getting stronger. However, she was not seeing changes in her body.
Additionally, she slaved away at the elliptical machine for 30 minutes, 5 days per week. Again, with no results.
She tried other high intensity workout videos, and the exercises would make her knees hurt afterwards. That feeling left her dreading the next workout – to the point she just wouldn’t do it.
Those long hours at the gym required more time than she had.
Jessica would spend over 90 minutes trekking to the gym, doing her workout, showering, and driving home. Because of that, she found it easy to push off her workouts.
All this changed when she found Flat Belly Firm Butt in 16 minutes, a HIIT online workout program.
Her results
Easier to drag a suitcase, smaller waist with less work.
Once Jessica started FB16, she finally saw those hard-earned visible changes in her body that she was looking for.
“I really have noticed my arm muscles being more toned and feeling stronger. It’s easier for me to drag a heavy suitcase up three flights of stairs. I also have noticed my waist feeling smaller.”
“I think it is a great way to get a highly-effective, fast workout.”
FB16 was the perfect solution for this busy professional, because it was only a 16 minute commitment! Better yet, she could do it in her own home.
“Once you tell yourself ‘I can do the 16 minute workout,’ I know I’m going to change my body in a short amount of time without having to spend hours and hours at the time.”
How she succeeded
Exercising but not seeing results? 6 lessons learned from Jessica.
This busy MIT graduate spent several hours at the gym, and tried numerous workout videos before finding FB16. Here’s how she made the best of this incredible program, and why it can work for you.
1. Avoid wasting time on guesswork and go for a professional “done for you” solution instead.
HIIT exercise is well-known in the fitness industry to give accelerated results. FB16 is designed to do exactly that, which is why it’s a great fit for busy people who value their time. This is why so many people succeed with FB16 if they are exercising and not seeing results with other programs.
Jessica’s job occupies much of her time, so she knows how precious each minute of every day is. That’s why she says FB16 is valuable for ambitious people who don’t want to spend time thinking about their workouts, waste hours developing makeshift exercise routines, or research several different websites for the best ab or butt exercises.
“Time is valuable to them, and they want to get the best results in the least amount of time.”
She also adds that the program is a great fit for someone who wants to add more intensity to his or her lifestyle. Jessica’s one big piece of advice to anyone is to just try it out, because you will set yourself up for knowing you can do the rest.
“If you tell yourself you’re just going to do the first workout, you’re going to be able to do all of them.”
2. Less time spent on getting results means no excuses for not exercising!
Jessica really enjoyed the intensity of the workouts. She would be panting and pouring sweat afterwards. However, because it’s only 16 minutes, she stresses that it’s really easy to push yourself for that 16 minutes.
Jessica admits she would not believe someone if they said they didn’t have 16 minutes a day to workout.
“What I love about the 16 minutes is it’s really really hard for you to say you don’t have time for it. No matter what workout you have, if you don’t do it, it’s not going to do anything for you.”
As a busy working professional, this made FB16 the perfect solution for Jessica.
The excuse-proof nature of the program is why FB16 was also such a success for Helen T.:
“To come home and pop on, do 16 minutes, have a shower and then have dinner, that was great. It made it doable.”
3. When you choose a workout plan, make sure there’s a focus on form and safety.
Going to the gym and doing workout videos didn’t just leave Jessica with small results – it left her with pain in her knees from crazy lunge sequences.
“I knew my knees would hurt afterwards, so I would keep putting it off.”
We’ve all seen too many of those in various workout videos, especially. Since FB16 is BIG on safety and form, dangerous exercises are avoided. This means Jessica left sore knees behind when she started FB16, and focused on doing exercises correctly.
Additionally, FB16 includes separate 6-10 minute breakdown videos that show you exactly what you’ll be doing in each workout. These videos help you master the moves before you even start the workout. Better yet, these videos help you to modify your exercises specifically to match your fitness level. If you’re a beginner, you won’t be intimidated by an exercise you don’t feel comfortable with. If you’re advanced, be assured you’ll have exercises that will challenge you.
4. Add camaraderie and group accountability to the mix, and you have an unbeatable combination.
While she was exercising but not seeing results, Jessica lacked the support, structure, and accountability that she needed to succeed.
She explains that FB16 had support that steered her in the right direction. Jessica felt an instant connection with Maria, and enjoyed the variety that her workouts offered. She loved the support system on the Facebook group, and how it helped keep her accountable to her own efforts. Better yet, she didn’t have the guesswork about what video she was going to do and when. She describes FB16 as a system that had it all laid out for her.
“I had a little bit of hesitation based on other workouts that are kind of similar. Since FB16 had all these additional aspects, I wasn’t as hesitant to try it.”
Helen also especially thrived with the group camaraderie that FB16 offers:
“You share the tough times and the successes. It’s really supportive and keeps you going when you are shattered.”
5. If you choose FB16, try the “Max Results” extension for additional benefits.
Jessica got such great results in the original program, so she just kept going! After she graduated from the 8-week FB16 program, she progressed her efforts by taking part in the Max Results extension. This is incredible for someone who was exercising but not seeing results.
This option gave her the opportunity to continue her success by doing double workouts for a 4-week period. Since then, she still continues to build on her success with the help of FB16.
“I’ve been consistently incorporating HIIT into my workout routine and been doing at least 3 FB16 workouts a week.”
6. Just because you’re tired of exercising but not seeing results, don’t go for a workout that is too exhausting just for the sake of results.
Exhausting workouts that made her prone to injury simply were not working for Jessica. With FB16, she saw that the intensity of the workouts was just right for the amount of time she could dedicate to exercise. Better yet, she finally got those hard-earned results!
“By the time you don’t think you can do it anymore, it’s usually halfway over. If there are 8 minutes left, that isn’t going to kill me. That’s really beneficial because it gives you fewer excuses to not do it.”
Vicky had a similar experience with the level of difficulty that FB16 offered:
“I like the duration and the type of exercises which are very fun. It’s the variety (you don’t get bored) and the intensity (when you get tired it’s already time for the next one).”
Are you spending hours exercising, but not getting the results you want? If you’re ready to start seeing a difference in your body, sign up below and see what FB16 can do for you!