Meet Krista: How Long to Lose 25 Pounds- Without Hating Your Body?

Krista:“I like myself better.”
How long to lose 25 pounds? This busy teacher with a side job lost 15 pounds in her first 8 weeks. 6 months later she’s still following the program having lost a total of 25 pounds!
At a glance

The Problem: She had a negative relationship with her body.
“My relationship with my body has always been very negative most of my life because I have been overweight most of my life.”
The Solution: The right encouragement.
“I love Maria’s personality and she’s so encouraging the whole way through the videos, which is part of what makes me come back. I’m like ‘Yeah! I’m doing something great.'”
Her RESULTS: Better body confidence.
“Maria says in her videos I should be rewarding myself because I’ve done something healthy for me. And so that has helped me improve my overall relationship that I have with my body. And I now feel more confident, I like myself better, and I look forward to exercising. That’s not something I thought I would feel, like looking forward to exercise. It’s just seemed like a chore and something difficult to do.”+
The backdrop
Krista struggled with her weight for most of her life.
As a result of this, she had a negative relationship with her body image. This led to a cycle of ignoring her body’s needs and feelings over the years.
“I think part of my weight gain over the span of my life is because I sort of ignored my body and haven’t paid attention to how it feels.”
Graduating from Exercise Bliss was a start to her success.
Krista found Flat Belly Firm Butt in 16 Minutes, a HIIT online workout program, after she finished Exercise Bliss. Exercise Bliss is Maria’s habit-building exercise program, which allowed her to start with gentler exercise. She focused on building the habit of daily exercise first, in only 5 minutes per day. Once she learned exactly what has been stopping her from making daily exercise her thing, she found a healthier lifestyle – and FB16!
She felt intimidated at the gym.
Krista worked with fitness trainers in the past, but always quit those relationships after a short period of time. She felt a huge divide between herself and trainers. The trainer with the “perfect body,” was up on a pedestal, too high for her to reach.
“They always made it seem like I would never be like them, like they never had any pain, or never struggled with it.”
She also thought about trying the weight machines, but those intimidated her – along with the muscular guys that were always next to them.
Additionally, if she wasn’t working with a trainer, she’d put 30 minutes in at the treadmill or elliptical machine. This gave her minimal results.
She didn’t have an hour everyday to exercise.
As a busy teacher, Krista also runs her own side business as a photographer. She has projects year-round that keep her occupied. Many of her colleagues run every morning before work. Krista, in comparison, just doesn’t have that time to commit.
“I don’t have an hour in the morning to go running.”
The results
It took Krista 6 months – without dieting – to lose 25 pounds.
When she finished the initial 8-week journey of FB16, Krista lost a total of 15 pounds. After continuing the program for 6 months, she hit a total of 25 pounds lost! She’s also lost several inches off her body and feels much stronger.
“I was excited about the overall results, which I don’t lose weight very easily. So, anything that allows me to see progress was exciting.”
But weight loss was only a small part of the benefits Krista got from this journey – and it was more like a byproduct of exercise rather than something Krista was actively striving for. She also got to change how she feels about her body, actually like exercise along with extra perks – like having more energy and no longer needing to press on the snooze button in the morning!
“Thank you, you’ve changed my life.”
Remember how Krista struggled with her body image in the beginning? FB16 changed her self-confidence and her life completely!
“So much has changed in my life. I feel happier, I think about my body in positive way now, I’ve lost weight. It’s win win win win! I love your programs, I love what you’ve done. Thank you, you’ve changed my life. I want to keep going and making more positive changes.”
Krista’s physical changes and self confidence have led her to feel more in-tune with her body as well. She can now tell if she’s getting sick or if something just isn’t right.
“I noticed that I stand up and I pay attention to my posture a little more. I’m just more aware of my body. I don’t know it’s sort of a combination of everything that makes me aware of like ‘my body is feeling healthier, it’s moving better.’ It’s just the general good feeling that my body has produced, besides the weight loss.”
She no longer sees exercise as a chore.
For someone who dreaded exercise, and felt intimidated by it, Krista now enjoys working out.
“I now feel more confident, I like myself better, and I look forward to exercising. And that’s not something I thought I would feel, like looking forward to exercise. It just seemed like a chore and something difficult to do.”
She no longer presses the snooze button.
Krista’s new-found love for exercise has given way to more energy to get her through the day.
“I certainly have more energy because I’m exercising more frequently. I’m excited!”
She recalls the end of last school year, when she felt miserable getting out of bed.
“I always slept through my alarm. This year I have not hit the snooze button once. I get out of bed much easier, and I fall asleep faster in the evening.”
Krista credits this to using her body more and having more restful sleep because of her regular exercise routine.
“I think it has improved my overall energy because I don’t feel so sluggish as the day goes on which has been great.”
She figured out how long to lose 25 pounds, and discovered so many other results along the way.
How she succeeded
Also want to lose 25 pounds without hating your body in the meantime? 4 lessons from Krista.
Krista’s body-image issues, intimidation at the gym, and lack of time left her looking for ways to help change her life. That all changed when she found Exercise Bliss and FB16! Read how she experienced amazing weight loss results, improved her self-confidence, felt more energized, and started to enjoy exercise.
1. Choose a program that encourages you, not one that demotivates you.
Krista felt intimidated by her previous fitness trainers. That is certainly no way to stick to a program – it’s only going to jeopardize it!
Krista felt so encouraged by Maria, both during Exercise Bliss and FB16. She thought Maria was very honest about herself while doing the exercises. Krista adds that Maria would explain that she was having a hard time too with specific exercises (unlike that trainer on a pedestal!).
“You’re human, and I like that – I just think it is wonderful. I love your personality and you’re so encouraging the whole way through the videos, which is part of what makes me come back.”
Krista went on to explain how difficult the exercises were for her at first.
“I will admit the first fitness test, the next 2 days I could hardly move. This was serious business. By the third day, ready to go again and try out the next workout. I had been doing very easy gentle exercise.”
Krista appreciated that Maria’s personality elevated the program as a whole with the encouragement she offered. It made a huge difference in her results.
2. When you choose a workout plan, make sure there’s focus on modifications.
Workouts of any kind should not put you at risk for injury or burnout from improper exercises.
This is why FB16 includes separate 6-10 minute breakdown videos that show you exactly what you’ll be doing in each workout. These videos help you master the moves before you even start the workout. Better yet, these videos help you to modify your exercises specifically to match your fitness level. If you’re a beginner, you won’t be intimidated by an exercise you don’t feel comfortable with. If you’re advanced, be assured you’ll have exercises that will challenge you.
Transitioning from easy, gentle exercise to higher intensity workouts was challenging for Krista. Fortunately, Maria helped her through those struggles by offering these valuable modifications. This support and direction helped Krista continually succeed at her efforts and reap results.
“Lots of times I had to modify the exercises. But the more that I did, some of the videos that I really struggled with initially, I noticed that I was stronger and more capable and my body was now able to do some of the stuff that before, especially the balance one – I had a really hard time with that particular one. Three or four times later, all of sudden I was like, ‘Okay now I can actually do these exercises.’ It was really exciting for me to see growth and progress.”
FB16 is BIG on form and safety, which is why modifications are a key asset in this program for participants of all abilities. FB16 grad Jessica had a similar story to share about this feature. She tried many other workout videos and programs before finding FB16.
“I knew my knees would hurt afterwards, so I would keep putting it off.”
See how FB16 proved to be different than the other programs by reading Jessica’s full story.
2. “You run for an hour? You only need 16 minutes to be successful!”
Most people think they need to slave at the gym to get results. They probably also think they need to diet hard to see improvement. But that’s not true. And Krista is great proof of that. She didn’t change her eating habits, and she only exercised for less than one hour each WEEK.
“I’m all about spending less time trying to get the most results for something. So, when I saw 16 minutes is an hour’s worth of exercise, I was like ‘Sold!’ I’ll do whatever I need to do in the least amount of time to see if this will be more effective. Because, of course, time is always an issue as a teacher, I get up really early in the morning. So, I thought if there was something shorter and easier to do that was just as effective as a long hour, let me try it. So I was excited about the timing.”
When you’re trying to figure out how long to lose 25 pounds, consider this. Flat Belly Firm Butt in 16 Minutes actually requires very little – just 16 minutes, 3 times a week. You don’t even need to spend any time driving to the gym and back. You just get to do it at home! Remember Krista’s colleagues who run for an hour everyday? Here’s what she has to say to them:
3. Aim for a lifestyle change instead of a quick fix.
The key to lifestyle change is that you’re not going to stop once you find the answer to the question of how long to lose 25 pounds. Or 5, 10, or 15 pounds. Once you get to that goal, it’s not time to stop and revert to old habits!
Krista has continually expanded her lifestyle change. First it was graduating from Exercise Bliss and developing healthy habits towards exercise. Then, she graduated from FB16.
It didn’t just stop there. She kept going!
“I still continue to do the exercises. And I love them. At least three times a week I’m doing them. When I have a really great week, I do them a little more frequently, I try to squeeze in four or five if it’s possible but I try to stay consistent with at least three times a week.”
Let me be clear: If you absolutely must get results in the next 2 weeks/months, because you’re getting married, or you have your high-school reunion to attend, I get it. I get why you’d only be interested in what you can get in the next few weeks/months and not focus on what happens after. But I still won’t completely get you off the long-term mindset hook.
If you aim for a lifestyle change, instead of just something that will help you get results in the short-term, you won’t just avoid gaining the weight back, you’ll actually be getting more and more results with time.
That’s why Krista lost the first 15, and then lost another 10. That’s why she keeps getting stronger.
And that’s why you may do 1 push-up but if you keep up with it, you’ll get to 10, then to 20, etc.
Every year will be getting better.
4. “You run for an hour? You only need 16 minutes to be successful!.”
Most people think they need to slave at the gym to get results. They probably also think they need to diet hard to see improvement. But that’s not true. And Krista is great proof of that. She didn’t change her eating habits, and she only exercised for less than one hour each WEEK.
“I’m all about spending less time trying to get the most results for something. So, when I saw 16 minutes is an hour’s worth of exercise, I was like ‘Sold!’ I’ll do whatever I need to do in the least amount of time to see if this will be more effective. Because, of course, time is always an issue as a teacher, I get up really early in the morning. So, I thought if there was something shorter and easier to do that was just as effective as a long hour, let me try it. So I was excited about the timing.”
When you’re trying to figure out how long to lose 25 pounds, consider this. Flat Belly Firm Butt in 16 Minutes actually requires very little – just 16 minutes, 3 times a week. You don’t even need to spend any time driving to the gym and back. You just get to do it at home! Remember Krista’s colleagues who run for an hour everyday? Here’s what she has to say to them:
So, how long does it take to lose 25 pounds? It’s going to be different for everyone depending on your starting point, goals and effort. For Krista it took 6 months – 6 months where she actually increased her body confidence and didn’t exercise out of hate of her body, but out of love.
So let’s get this back to you: Why do you want to lose 25 pounds? Why do you care about how long to lose 25 pounds? Why do you want to lose it in the first place? Is there a “deadline” that you feel you need to meet? Leave a comment below!
(And in the meantime, if you want to try FB16 for yourself, sign up below!)